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Learning Buddies

Emily, Olive, Salma, and Shannon (Grade 5)
Learning Buddies is a program which helps our youngest Junior School Millies learn from our oldest Junior School Millies, and vice versa! We meet once a cycle to read together, craft, play, and work on inquiry projects. As Grade 5s, we get the privilege of leading and also learning from our JK/SK buddies. We can remember when we were in Kindergarten and looked forward to meeting with our buddies! We loved making cardboard insects and playing in the sandbox with them. It was a very memorable experience for us!

This week for JS5 and SK Learning Buddies, the SK students came to our JS5 classrooms to learn how to log-on to the Raz Kids Reading Program. We had lots of fun teaching our reading buddies how to use the website and search through the online database of books. We took turns reading different books together and trying out the quizzes. After we finished reading a book, we got stars and awards, and our Buddies were really excited about them! We especially had fun using the stars to decorate their Avatars! 