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SMLS Pursuing Eco-School Certification

At a whole school assembly on Monday, October 28, student leaders excitedly announced SMLS's plans to purse a special certification through EcoSchools Canada. Over the course of the school year, student leaders and teachers across all divisions will spearhead eco-friendly actions to help SMLS earn points towards a certification. It's an exciting and important initiative that the entire school will work together to achieve. Ava, Grade 6, shares her perspective on this exciting work below.

The Sustainability Club is a club that focuses on the environment. We do lots of fun projects and activities and are working towards becoming an Eco-School. As we shared during chapel on October 28th an Eco-School is an online seal of approval that SMLS will be granted if we gather enough points. The minimum number of points we need to get are 50 points which will get us our Bronze certification. Me (Ava, MS6), Elizabeth (MS6), and Gwen (MS7) all got the honour to speak at whole school chapel on October 28th. We faced our fears and persevered through a new experience! Some of the ideas we have for Earth week are tree planting and cleanups, pollinator gardens, and even a World Wildlife Fund Drive! Some whole year goals are GOOS paper bins (Good On One Side), take me outside days, sit spots, and to reduce and manage our waste! The Sustainability Club is always looking for new members for different perspectives for different initiatives!