Supportive Community

The Yu Chuai Family

“We have watched our daughter's passions come to life at SMLS.”
Thanks to the generosity of the Yu Chuai family, an exciting new Fund has been created in support of our students and school. The Endowed SMLS Student Learning and Innovation Fund will provide sustainable funding for learning and innovation in perpetuity, and facilitate the long-term financial sustainability of the school through the endowment. 

"We have watched our daughter's passions come to life at SMLS. She is thriving, and we are grateful for all the ways in which the school has enabled our daughter to grow. We are happy to give back to SMLS. We understand that it is a not-for-profit school and that tuition only covers the school's fundamental operating costs. We want to ensure that the school is well supported now and in the future." 

“This fund is the first of its kind at SMLS”, says Valerie Terejko, Executive Director of Advancement and Community Relations. “It is a wonderful complement to The Millie Fund in that, while The Millie Fund provides annual support for a broad range of needs school-wide, this new fund will focus on learning and innovation opportunities for our students and provide consistent funding each year to bring these opportunities to our Millies for generations to come. An endowed fund such as this has historically supported our Student Financial Assistance program. This endowed fund that will facilitate student learning and innovation at the school for the long run is quite special.” 

Together, with the ongoing support of the SMLS community, the possibilities for our students and school are endless.